Saturday, May 6
Why re-elect Robert Scarfo
My proven track record during my school board service makes me uniquely qualified to continue to serve.
Fiscal Oversight
My financial skills and overall business acumen will continue to benefit the district as we welcome a growing and diverse student population.
Routinely visit campuses and attend student/parent events, giving me an unfiltered view of what/how students are learning. Listening to and talking to with parents, students and staff is invaluable in making me a more informed and effective board member.
Get to Know Robert Scarfo
Stands with Parents and Students
Fighting to reinstate the Public Comment time to at least 3 minutes upping the current 1 minute limit.
Obtained board approval to add additional language to the library book policy to make the process clearer for parents and staff.
Reassignment of an additional $15M in the 2022 bond to IT needs matching staff recommendations.
Recommended Board Committee meetings be posted and open to the public for more transparency.
Recommended that at least 30 minutes of each Board meeting be devoted to discussing a relevant education topic, not only when TEA/State mandated reports are presented.
Insisted on board accountability on failures to follow policy and procedures. Resolved after 4 months of pushing the issue.